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Did you know that approximately 15 percent of Americans rely on private drinking water supplies, and these supplies are not subject to EPA standards? While there are some state and local rules to protect users of these wells, ultimately it is the users responsibility to make sure the water supply is safe. In a home transaction, it may be required to conduct a water quality test if the home is on a private well. In most cases the bank, or entity supplying the loan will request a certain type of test. This test could consists of total Total Coliform, E. coli, Lead, Nitrate, Nitrite, Turbidity, Iron, Manganese, and pH.
If your home has a well system let Truss Home Inspection Services collect the samples and send them to the lab. The lab will do all appropriate tests and send a report back, typically within 2-5 days. If a water test is to be conducted, please allow ample time for scheduling.